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Project Vision Guide Document

This document aims to define a consensual project vision, establish the state of art in terms of technologies for quality in manufacturing, as well as regulation and trustworthy system for data management and set the specifications driving the creation of the i4Q Solutions and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Deliverable D1.1 is a balanced guide document, the ‘Project Vision Guide’, which will act as a reference for the project and will be used by all partners to stay focused on the main ideas and goals of the project.



Requirements Analysis and Functional Specification

The deliverable D1.4 “Requirements Analysis and Functional Specification v1” summarises the first version of requirements engineering in i4Q Project adopting ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148, ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207 and ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288. The main results are the lists of requirements for the six pilot use cases and the 22 i4Q Solutions and their analysis as a basis for the definition of the functional specifications. In the preceding deliverable D1.3 “Demonstration scenarios and monitoring KPIS definition” the current AS-IS and expected TO-BE processes of the six pilot use cases were defined as a basis for the requirements elicitation. In addition, a stateof-the-art analysis about requirements in similar use cases is performed. Further knowledge and expertise are gathered within the consortium. Based on this, missing functionalities and implementation needs, which are the foundation for the work to be performed in the work packages 2 to 6 can be found. Technical discussions and templates were used to elicit requirements. For the second version of this deliverable (D1.9), SysML should be used in order to model and document the complex requirements structures and functional specifications for the pilots and i4Q Solutions.



i4Q Reference Architecture and Viewpoints Analysis

This document delivers the first release of the i4Q Reference Architecture (RA). A wide range of state-of-the-art standards and open-source frameworks, initiatives and projects have been briefly assessed in order to determine their suitability as baseline assets. All this information has contributed to describe a preliminary version of the i4Q RA based on three tiers: Edge, Platform and Enterprise Tier. Based on the project view, the first version of the i4Q RA proposes main preliminary building blocks. In order to have a coherent inclusive vision provided by the i4Q RA, a first-round mapping with very limited subset of solutions in the RA has been performed. This activity will be finalized during next months and will provide interesting inputs for the final i4Q RA. Finally, the document introduces the four viewpoints (business, usage, functional, implementation viewpoint) which will be analysed in the following months. This task of i4Q RA definition will go on during the next months and will be performed in parallel with those of its viewpoints and information models and ontologies and will lead to the final version.



Benchmarking of Digital Technologies with potential to i4Q

Deliverable D1.2 aims to present and systematize knowledge about digital technologies, especially related to the manufacturing quality and data reliability, gathered from the i4Q project’s partners and characterise the most recent developments. A multi-dimensional benchmarking instrument will be developed in order to support the i4Q design and development. Results of this analysis will be used to establish benchmarks for each of the dimensions presented in this document. To conclude the state-of-the-art of emerging and promising digital technologies will be also characterised.



Demonstration Scenarios and Monitoring KPIs Definition v2

Deliverable 1.8 “Demonstration Scenarios and monitoring KPIs definition v2” is the second part of the result of Task 1.3 “Use cases scenarios and KPIs”. This Deliverable 1.8 see the in-depth setting up the most suitable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) required to quantitatively evaluate the results obtained by setting up i4Q based solutions. The definition of the KPIs and its measurement will enable to compare the performance between the As-Is business processes and the To-Be business processes defined in D1.3 “Demonstration Scenarios and Monitoring KPIs Definition”. Moreover, within the context of D1.8, the performance measures to establish the starting point (KPIs baseline values) for the implementation of their industrial use cases were defined and will be listed in full detail in D9.9. Finally, this deliverable will give all the inputs required to put in place a KPIs dashboard enabling to understand how, data reliability, product quality and manufacturing quality, will be impacted by i4Q. The KPIs dashboard will be exploited for the evaluation of i4Q pilots. The ISO 22400 “Automation systems and integration KPIs for manufacturing operations management” will be followed for defining, implementing and visualizing the Pilots KPIs.



Digital Models and Ontologies

The main objective of deliverable D2.2 is to collect all the recognised Data Models and Ontologies standards, describe them and categorise them in order to know the state-of-the-art of the technologies that will be used in i4Q Solutions implementation, that is, the technologies that will define the formats for the digital representation of the data through the different tools and solutions of the i4Q project. In turn, grouped by functional aspects, the technologies are aligned with the RAMI 4.0 reference architecture, which will facilitate the interoperability, exchange and processing of data. The most relevant outcome is to establish the basis for the specification of the data models and ontologies that will drive the collection, flow and exchange of digital data between the different i4Q tools and platforms.



Demonstration Scenarios and Monitoring KPIs Definition

This Deliverable 1.3 reports the first part of results obtained in the development of Task 1.3 “Use cases scenarios and KPIs”, during M1- M4. Deliverable 1.3 sees the in-depth analysis of all the current business processes for the demonstration scenarios, to establish the starting point of the i4Q solutions (Reliable Industrial Data Services, RIDS) development and further implementation on the industrial use cases. Thanks to this passage, the detailed specification for the development of all composing elements of the use cases will be laid down, establishing the boundaries for the integration of i4Q technologies.



Requirements Analysis and Functional Specification v2

The deliverable D1.9 Requirements Analysis and Functional Specification v2 is a Functional Specification document that provides an in-depth definition of the functionalities/behaviours of all i4Q Solutions and explains how related requirements will be fulfilled. It pursues the requirements engineering process that has been started in D1.4, by eliciting, discussing, and refining all pilot and solution requirements. Function Structure Diagrams (FSD) for all i4Q Solutions are created as a basis for the functional specification and the exact mapping of the requirements to the solutions. A suitable methodology and approach are developed and performed based on standards and guidelines such as ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148, ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207, and ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, VDI 2221 and VDI 2206. In accordance to the method of Function Based Systems Engineering (FBSE), FSDs are used to identify and specify the (sub-) functions, the data flow, as well as the input and output of each i4Q Solution. Overall, the Functional Specification contains a brief description of the main functions and objectives of each solution, the FSD, including the processes and interfaces, the description of the to-be situation through the mapped requirements of users and the interoperability with other solutions and systems in the technical structure with its interfaces. To analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the solutions, the functional specifications are evaluated and explained in their completeness, precision, interface specifications, and requirements origins to define the further process in the BUILD work packages. Validation and verification of the requirements fulfilment will be elaborated when all solutions will be implemented and evaluated in the pilot factories (WP6).



Report on Business Viewpoint

Concerning the i4Q Reference Architecture definition, different perspectives (viewpoints) have been analysed. The main objective of T2.3 is to provide, within the i4Q design activities, a business point of view so as to avoid the risk of a ‘technology-centric’ approach. To this end, with regard to IIRA approach, business analysis was performed. As stated in the viewpoints’ methodology, the task focused on framing stakeholders’ identification and point of view, and their vision, values and key objectives. Stakeholders were defined taking into account two mainly perspectives: a global view of a company's processes, to identify the main business areas of interest for i4Q Solutions and the relevant actors they are connected to; the level of 'involvement' and participation of actors with respect to the development and use of i4Q Solutions.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 958205. The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Union, and the European Union is not responsible for any use that might be made of such content.


Project Coordinator

Stefanos Vrochidis (CERTH) 


Deputy Coordinator

Ilias Gialampoukidis (CERTH)

Technical Coordinator

Raul Poler (UPV)

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