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Biesse SpA

Biesse SpA

BIESSE (BIES) group is a global leader in technologies for processing wood, glass, stone, plastic and metal. It designs, manufactures and distributes machines, integrated systems and software for manufacturers of furniture, door/window frames and components for the construction, ship-building and aerospace industries. In recent years, it has also been active in the plastic processing machinery sector, developing ad-hoc solutions for a growing market.
The Biesse group markets its products through a network of subsidiaries and branches located in the main strategic markets. The 30 directly controlled branches guarantee specialized after-sales assistance to customers, while at the same time carrying out market research aimed at developing new products.
The Biesse group employs 3800 employees worldwide distributed among the main production areas located in Pesaro, Alzate Brianza, Bangalore and the branches / representative offices in Europe, North America, Middle East, Asia and Oceania. The Group also makes use of over 300 dealers and agents, thus managing to cover more than 100 countries in total.
With revenue of 740 M Euro (2018), It invests on average 14 million Euros per year in R&D, boasting over 200 registered patents. Founded in Pesaro in 1969 by Giancarlo Selci, the company has been listed on the Stock Exchange since June 2001.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 958205. The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Union, and the European Union is not responsible for any use that might be made of such content.


Project Coordinator

Stefanos Vrochidis (CERTH) 


Deputy Coordinator

Ilias Gialampoukidis (CERTH)


Technical Coordinator

Raul Poler (UPV)

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